Thursday, September 18, 2008

Musings on comments (and why none)

I thought about commenting as I drove in to work today, and decided to turn off commenting in this blog. There's something about allowing comments in ones blog that I've noticed. A blog with commenting allowed implicitly invites others to be a part of your blog. Which is a really good thing in most cases, because it invites collaboration, which is a wonderful aspect of blogging.

But comments in blogs also change the blog. They guide the direction of the blog development, and also affect the writer -- and reader -- in a positive or negative way. I find that I tend to feel a certain degree of social etiquette in acknowledging people for their comments. If someone takes the time out to write something, then they deserve to get some sort of recognition for being an active reader. I also find that I tend to be driven by affirmation from my audience, and I'm wondering what will happen if I have no "audience" per se, but stand on my own, without any of that feedback.

I'm going to do something different with this blog and turn off commenting. I want my time and writing to be directed by what is within me to say, and not by comment maintenance.

So.... this is the groundwork that I am laying for this blog. I have neither traffic stats nor comments turned on. This will be all about my sharing a very profound part of my life with the world in words, and about my trust that there will be a connection to the world, without any need for proof.