Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Head stands

Since I'm gradually realizing the profound impact that yoga is having on my life, I decided to create a blog and see where this takes me. For the past 5 months or so, I've done the yoga every night. I began with Richard Hittleman's "28 Day Exercise Plan", and after doing that for a couple of month, I realized that I was beginning to reap both mental and physical benefits from my practice.

One day, at Barnes and Noble, I discovered a book by Rodney Yee called "Moving Toward Balance: 8 Weeks of Yoga with Rodney Yee". I discovered what a truly amazing teacher he is, and have been inspired in my practice by the care and mindfulness that he shows in his books and workouts.

Last night I did a yoga headstand for the first time. When I first began attempting the headstand, 5 months ago, I never ever thought I'd get to the point where I could do such a difficult (for a 50-something post-cancer woman) pose. I discovered that the yoga headstand doesn't come from the development of external muscles, it comes from an internal sense of balance and relaxation, and from a deep sensitivity to my body that is slowly beginning to come to me from doing 1 1/2 to 2 hours of yoga every night.