Monday, January 26, 2009

The Tao of Healthy Eating, body brushing, and neti

My thighs are sore today.  Since I haven't been doing much else in the realm of exercising, it must be the leg stretches in the last segment of Power Yoga with Rodney Yee DvD.  I think I've been pushing the stretching.  But it feels soooo good to get into the deep muscles of my legs and back.  Such a release, after all these months of asking for so much from them, to be giving something enjoyable back to them.
A man at my local health food store recommended I read the book "The Tao of Healthy Eating" by Bob Flaws.  He states in that book that cooking (not overcooking) vegetables is the best way to eat them.  So, I am doing less vegetable juicing and more cooking over the past week.  One of the benefits is that dinners are much easier, either cooked or eating left over soup.  Juicing is a huge time sink, however wonderful it makes me feel.  Tonight I ate a tiny bowl of left over squash soup and fermented vegetables for dinner.  The book also says to eat like a king for breakfast, a merchant for lunch, and a pauper for dinner.  So in the interest of not having a ton of food in my stomach for my evening yoga/tai chi practice, I am attempting to follow that very philosophy.
Two changes in the way of cleaning my body that I've done lately, thanks to yoga articles that I keep reading.  One is doing the neti pot to clean out the sinuses, and another is to use a before-bath brush to loosen dead skin that has grown from the day before.  I am doing those two things daily now.  The neti cleaning seems to make my nose very dry in this already-dry winter weather, however, but perhaps it's keeping me from getting sick.  So far no serious illnesses this flu season.