This morning Power Yoga Total Body with Rodney Yee workout was so great. I'm always surprised at how different my body feels from day to day. Some days I can hardly do one pushup. This morning my arms felt strong, and in the upward bow I managed to even begin to think about listening to my back. Usually it's enough just that I get through it, much less bring my mind through the pain to actually observe. Also, the ending leg stretches felt so fantastically refreshing and rejuvenating. All in all it was a good yoga morning.
John and I went cross-country skiing a couple of days ago and I noticed that when you push and are gliding forward on one leg, you are in what is very similar to a warrior 3 yoga position. And when your waist twists back and forth as your arms swing, the hip movement (and suppleness requirement) is very similar to what you do in tai chi. Rodney Yee says "breathe into your lower back" on some poses, and I find that breathing into my lower back to keep its fluidity as I ski is very helpful.
John mentioned an article, or book (I can't remember exactly) which was about how we associate "working out" with going to the gym or taking classes; but in actuality, we are missing a very important attitude we should be taking where the very act of living our lives should be viewed as a workout. For instance, when I get water from the water cooler at work, I can either lean down and press the lever, or I can squat, and by squatting mindfully and slowly up and down, both strengthen my quads and practice keeping my spine erect but relaxed.
So I love it when I find myself integrating my "work outs" into my daily life like when I'm cross country skiing (or at the water cooler :P). Lately I make a big point of putting my shoes and socks on and washing my feet in the shower with a one-legged stance, and doing them in slo-mo so that my balance, coordination, and strengthening are enhanced.