The last few days back at home from travelling I've been feeing drained and ill. Last night I came home from work and collapsed in front of the TV and spent the evening watching a movie. I'd been attributing this to jet leg. But now I'm beginning to realize that these are my classic detox symptoms. Two weeks away from my normal diet has cost me. I've been gradually coming to a philosophy of "eat less and make what you eat REALLY count". That means organic, lots of fresh veggies, no candies, pastries, or other sugary foods, no red meat, no eating like a pig. I violated all of those dictates.
One of the things I'm beginning to realize is, yoga has made me really view my body as a holy temple. I used to hear that a lot when I was involved in the Christian movement, many many years ago..... but it takes education to understand how to convert that to something practical that you can implement in your own life. And I think that it's different for everyone, so what works for one person does not work for another. The trick that I haven't learned is how to treat my body as a holy temple when I'm out with others or not in my routine. This is a serious path of growth that I need to incorporate into my life somehow.