Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Washing my hair, and Quan Yin the Buddhist goddess

It's funny at how a small side note or comment can catch your ear and cause you to make big changes.  I read a small note in my latest Yoga Journal about how our society over-does its processing of everything from food to even our bodies, the way we insist of putting medication into our bodies, and scrubbing our hair every night.
I've been washing my hair every night for probably my entire lifetime (because my parents did and my brothers did).  I've tried not doing that, but found that my hair got so greasy and itchy it drove me crazy.
Well, I read that line in the Yoga Journal, and for the past couple of weeks I'm attempting to wash my hair every other day.  If I can make this a habit, then maybe I can make it every other day.  I'm pleasantly surprised that except for the first day or two, it's been quite tolerable.  On off days, though, my hair sits flat on my head and it's becoming obvious that it's thinning as I age.  But that's the vanity part of me speaking, and I need to get over that.
I was in a new age bookstore recently, and the sales person told me that she saw the Buddhist goddess Quan Yin standing behind me, and on the other side behind was a Buddhist monk.  Even though I have no idea who this person was, it still inspired me to research Quan Yin.  She represents a very strong diety of the female persuasion.  She's actually a female version of the male Buddhist diety Avalokitesvara, who is supposed to be the embodiment of all compassionate Buddhas.  I find myself praying to her when I meditate, try to get to sleep, feel stressed, or stand in namaste during my practice.  I like the thought of having someONE to pray to instead of just the heavens.  And I'm holding the image of her being physically present with me at all times.  I find that very comforting and grounding.   In one of my yoga magazines, I read about petitioning when you pray.  I've not petitioned for myself when I pray, and I realize it's a big thing that I miss in my life -- petitioning for myself.  So now I petition Quan Yin, morning, day, and evening.