Yesterday my back killed me. It was one of the very few days that I skipped my yoga. I suppose it was from increased activity. I was so busy, that at the end of the day I found myself collapsed in front of the TV, hardly able to keep my eyes open, my body was so tired and my back so achy.
As I was puttering around washing dishes and doing my various pre-bed preparations, I realized that I spend a lot of my time holding my breath. It's most obvious when I'm washing the dishes. The thought of my breath came to mind from watching a new DvD I bought called "Yoga Burn" by Rodney Yee. He makes a point of using the word "breath" in almost every single one of the 3 billion or so poses that he demonstrates on that DvD.
I woke up this morning and thought about breathing, making a conscious effort to breathe into my lower back as I hiked the dogs, did my sun salutations, and got ready for work. I noticed that thinking about breathing into my lower back affects my Downward Facing Dog pose quite a bit, in a subtle way.
My goal for today is to breathe.